Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 100!

While I’ve celebrated 100 days before, this is the 100th post in the new .com space. Which I suppose isn’t that much- it’s only a little more than three months, but still.

Anyhoo, to celebrate this milestone, here’s a look back at some of the most popular (or populous, according to the Tags list) dragons in the blog:

My dragon:
Tag count (as of this writing, but not including this post): 31

While the Annoyed Dragon has been grabbing a lot of the screen time that my personal dragon might have otherwise gotten lately, my dragon still does a lot of work reflecting my moods when the fancy strikes me.

Macejaw Dragon:
Tag count (as of this writing, but not including this post): 17

The Macejaw Dragon is probably my favorite out of the many different dragons I have made up in the Dragon-A-Day project, not least of all because of the bits of fiction I came up with while examining the relationship that they might have with other dragons in my menagerie. (If you don’t click the first link above, this won’t make sense):

Catastrophic Dragons:
Tag count (as of this writing, but not including this post): 16

Like I’ve mentioned before, the Catastrophic Dragons are from D&D 4e, or specifically a contest on theartorder.com. Since 80% of my RPG group is violently opposed to 4e, I haven’t kept up with it, so I don’t know what catastrophes are represented. So for the final (and probably weakest) piece tonight, here is the somewhat under-represented (and difficult to draw) Plague Dragon:




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