Tag Archives: war
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,534: Lunchtime Rush.
Armed with the foreknowledge that I was going to go play Magic, I drew this while sitting in a sunny spot at lunch. I wanted to finish it before I went back to work, so I kind of rushed through … Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 1,507: Rogue’s Gallery 3: Old Soldier.
revisiting the semi-tradition of War dragons for Veteran’s Day.
Thanks, folks. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online Day 412: An alternative view.
“All of you are overlooking their practical applications…” Continue reading
Dragon-A_Day Online: Day 397
“Unless they are willing to fight you- with tooth, claw, flame, [or even] sword or other weapon, nothing so fragile as a word or look- no creature, living or dead may deny another any part of the world.” Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 37
I’ve outsmarted and severely vexed myself on a night where all I wanted to do was a little fan art. Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day Online: Day 25
What lies beneath the Pulverizer Dragon’s comically large helmet? Continue reading
Dragon-A-Day, Day 125
The War Dragons and their humanoid allies live underground, and were affected by the quake as well. Continue reading